Ministry Relief Resources

Ministry Relief Resources

Covid-19 halted many things in our lives, but we soon realized that ministry and discipleship do not stop. In fact, the calling is even greater during these times. Through your gifts to Special Sundays and apportionment funds, the United Methodist Church continued to provide global, community, medical, spiritual, and ministry relief to our brothers and sisters in Christ. Below you can find articles and videos showing the work that was possible through the help of your gifts. Thank you for keeping the connection alive!

Click here to read more articles.

Despite physical and psychological risks, three Africa University graduates remain committed to saving lives.

Amid COVID-19 challenges, reservation residents struggle with shortages of food, water, cleaning items and infant supplies.

Your apportionment dollars help support UM Seminaries like Claremont School of Theology.

United Methodist medical college serves as a COVID-19 vaccination site in an underserved neighborhood and is easing the concerns of medical skeptics.


Spiritual Relief Video (1 min)

Medical Relief Video (1:02 sec)

Community Relief Video (59 sec)

Global Relief Video (1 min)

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